Curious about Children and Youth Ministry? Here’s an outline of what’s in store!
Instead of a traditional Sunday School program, we strive to make the Sunday morning service as inclusive as possible. We want our children to feel part of the family, and to grow familiar with the words and rhythms of worship. We are a God-family, after all! To help with this, we have ordered engaging Children’s Bulletins that kids can take with them into the sanctuary. We’ll also be inviting children or youth to play a role within the service.
In addition, we’ve set up a “Quiet Corner” in the sanctuary: a supervised place where kids can work through the Children’s Bulletin and some other quiet activities, but still “take in” the service. For parents with very young kids, we offer access to one of the preschool rooms.
For the older kids, the United Church in the Valley, Okotoks United and St. Andrew's United have teamed up to provide youth group lead by Rev. Julia. All youth who attend Grade 6 and up are welcome to attend on the third Friday of the month. Call the office for more information on the next event!